If you are interested in organizing a Club Party, here are the steps to begin the process:
Parties must be organized by a chairperson willing to make all of the necessary arrangements. To organize a party the following must be provided first
Complete the “Dinner/Dance/Party – Step 1 form”
for the form
Submit the completed form to the club’s Social Director (contact information is at the bottom of the form)
Your proposal will be submitted to the board for screening of possible conflicting club activities and best recommended party dates will be provided to you
STEP TWO (Only after step one is completed and approved)
Complete the “Dinner/Dance/Party Outline/Committees – Form 3”
for the form
Clarify, Confirm and Define the categories listed on the form
Organizing chair member may request an eblast notice to the membership requesting volunteers to head each of the various committees
Discuss details with the club’s Social Director
A budget should be established
Keep in mind the cost of the party is not subsidized by the club and costs will be the responsibility of each member
i.e. Expenses, income/calculation of ticket cost
Meet with the Social director to discuss
Q&A of the setup of tables, and other items needed (podium, mic and speakers, table clothes, etc
And to finalize the date and obtain the venue at OHCC
Decide how you will advertise the party
After STEP THREE is completed, (with board approval) an eblast will go out to the membership announcing the party.